Under 2's Portrait Competition 2013

Hi All. It's been a very busy few weeks, what with all the weddings, portraits, album designs, commercial projects, parties, events, and of course the Under 2's Portrait Competition.

This years Under 2 competition was hugely popular, and with limited availability I couldn't fit everybody in, so sorry to those who were disappointed but if your little one is still under 2 years next October, be sure to book early next time. The winner this year was young Bradley, with the portrait below. He certainly enjoyed racing around the studio as this winning image shows.

A huge thank you to all the parents, babies, toddlers, and siblings, who visited the studio as part of the competition. I really enjoyed meeting lots of new people, and saying hello again to some old friends. All this years entries can be viewed in the gallery below. Everybody seemed delighted with the images we captured, any almost everybody purchased at least one or two portraits, so a big thank you for doing so as these purchases make the competition possible.

I look forward to creating a beautiful family portrait for Bradley, his big brother, Mummy and Daddy.


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