Goo goo gaa

From the strange title of this post , you'd be excused for thinking I've gone crazy, and maybe I have, just a little bit. 

You may also think, has he been drinking, and the answer is yes, just a little bit. 

'Why?' I hear you ask eagerly, well I'll tell you why, the Baby & Toddler competition is in full flow, (the title is meant to be baby language btw) and I've had a wonderful collection of beautiful youngsters, peeing, pooing, vomiting and screaming themselves blue in the studio. Thankfully, they've also spent a lot of time smiling, gurgling, giggling, being shy, being precocious, and generally being very, very cute and very photogenic. I've posted a couple of recent images below for your enjoyment, and I will create a video slideshow at the end of the competition. There's still places available if anyone's interested, just give me a call on 01202 513535, or visit my website


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